a unique travel influencer membership

Influencer Vacation Club
For InfluencersFor Brand Partners

For Influencers

Book Your Dream Vacation

If you’re an Influencer or Content Creator who loves traveling, you have probably messaged hotels and resorts about the services you can offer — creating reviews, blogs or vlogs, and social media posts about them in exchange of, hopefully, some free nights or free upgrades. 

Here at Influencer Vacation Club, we match Influencers with hotels and resorts for partnerships in win-win situations. 

Become a Member and access our travel partners to land your dream vacation!

For Vacation Partners

Find The Influencer Partner Fit For Your Brand

As more companies realize and understand Influencer Marketing, a lot of them are still confused on how to convert the content into actual leads and sales. 

By working with Influencer Vacation Club, we will match you to qualified Influencers who are not just trying to get free accommodation nights from hotels and resorts, but to help you make the most of this brand partnership opportunity.

Why Be A Vacation Partner

We help influencers get vacation deals and we help partners maximize their brand reach.

We’ve been helping businesses find strategic Influencer Partners for their brands and companies.

As a company, since we are on full remote operations at the moment, we have the luxury of traveling and WFH – Work From Hotel.

We started Influencer Vacation Club so we can help the travel industry maximize Influencer Marketing opportunities.

We're a Digital Marketing Agency

We understand how Digital Marketing strategies and plans can work for you.

influencer marketing campaigns

We develop influencer marketing campaigns that generate leads and sales.

Content and Media Creation

We help you and our Influencers create content and media.

Data and Analytics

We help you measure the results of your influencer marketing campaigns.

From Our Founder

We Simplify Travel Influencer Management

When we work with brands and companies to create and develop Influencer Marketing plans, we first go back to their overall Digital Marketing strategy. Stop expecting things to work if you don’t have the campaign to seed your Influencer Partners. 

We created Influencer Vacation Club to help broker win-win partnerships between Influencers and Hotels & Resorts. Our goal is to be cost-effective by maximizing resources at minimum costs. 

Send Your Influencer Profile